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Payment for Speaking Requests
A guide to charging for speaking requests. How to raise the topic of payment, how to negotiate, and example rates
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A tikanga guide to intellectual property - Requesting Permission to use Taonga, and if taonga has been used without permission
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoARTJOG Curators Tour to Indonesia, 2025
Applications close 5pm, Friday 28 February, 2025 The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono invites applications from visual arts decision makers to join a delegation attending the ARTJOG Curators Tour 2025 in Indonesia.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch video3rd EDITION OF THE DON SANTE MONTANARO PRIZE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART
DEADLINE: MARCH 6, 2025 “Reality as a Mirror of the Inner Dimension: New Geographies of Expression” is the theme chosen for the third edition of the International "Don Sante" Prize for Contemporary Art, organized by the Mons. Sante Montanaro Foundation. The theme serves as an invitation to reflect on the present, encouraging artists to explore its dynamics, balancing interiority and exteriority, the subjective world and the surrounding reality, and offering updated visions of the contemporary through their personal artistic languages.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoDRUPA RESIDENCY
DEADLINE: March 16, 2025. Project Selection for the Drupa Centre Residency Program, 2025 Season The selection process is open to individual artists and emerging, independent professional collectives working in the fields of visual and performing arts.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoThe Alpine Fellowship Visual Arts Prize 2025
Deadline 1st April 2025 Every year writing, visual arts, and theatre prizes are awarded to the best works concerning the years’ theme. in Visual Arts, Music, Writing and Poetry
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch video2025 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation
Deadline 31 May 2025. UNESCO has opened submissions for the 2025 Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation, recognizing outstanding conservation efforts across the region. The Awards celebrate private sector projects and public-private partnerships that demonstrate excellence in preserving historical sites while fostering community engagement.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoHamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award
Deadline 31st May 2025. We invite photographers from around the world to explore and capture the concept of power through artistic, technical and/or human perspectives. This category welcomes all forms of photography including aerial, photojournalism, and even abstract, to highlight the philosophical and aesthetic dimensions of power.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoEarly Career Fund - Toi Tipu Toi Rea
Deadline 6 March 2025 Funding for artists and practitioners at the early stage of their career, to develop new work, new skills and to share their mahi with their communities.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoCALL FOR PROJECTS COAL PRIZE 2025: Freshwater
Deadline April 20 2025, The COAL Prize 2025 dedicated to fresh water is a call to fight against the drying up of our sensitivities towards WATER, to elevate it to its rightful place at the heart of general attention, to rehabilitate it in its symbolic and sacred prerogatives, to consider it as the ally and partner of our existences
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoTransversalities: Photography without Borders
Deadline April 21st 2025. Photography without Borders uses photography as a means of promoting the inclusion of territories and breaking with processes of exclusion to which vast areas of the planet are subjected by the media.
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Deadline Date: April 03, 2025. PartArt4OW is looking for interdisciplinary and intersectoral projects mixing art, science and participatory practices in innovative ways. PartArt4OW believes that collaborations between the creative and cultural sectors, the scientific community and the civic society organisations can lead to stronger projects, but this call is also open to individuals.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoFukuoka Asian Art Museum: Artist in Residence Program
Deadline February 16, 2025 . Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (FAAM) Artist in Residence Program invites artists from across Japan and worldwide, including but not limited to Asian countries and regions. The program provides them with opportunities to stay in Fukuoka, create and exhibit their artworks so that they can encourage each other to achieve their full potential and expand careers to the world.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoL+A+N+D Request for Proposals
Deadline of March 24, 2025. L+A+N+D (Landscape + Art + Nature + Design), is an exciting, new arts initiative that annually celebrates innovative design concepts for immersive outdoor installations on a grand scale that spark imaginations, conversations, and a deeper appreciation of the natural world.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoS+T+ARTS Prize
Deadline: March 5, 2025. The S+T+ARTS Prize awards the most pioneering collaborations and results in the field of creativity and innovation at the crossings of science and technology with the arts.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch video2025 Banff Mountain Photo Essay Competition
Deadline: May 5, 2025. The competition's goal is to showcase the best in mountain-themed photo essays – to recognize outstanding stories told through a series of still images. We invite photographers to submit photos to illustrate their mountain related stories whether culture, adventure, wildlife, sport, environment, or natural history.
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoMāori Creative Panel at 30+ years of the Mataatua Declaration
Discussion by Toi Iho IP Rōpū Member Aroha Mead, Toi Iho Board Member Larissa McMillan and Toi Iho Te Ara Whakarei Julie Paama-Pengally at the Mataatua Celebrations
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoMaking Money as an Artist
Wānanga on making money as an Artist held at Te Papa Tngare | The museum of New Zealand on June 24th 2024 Speakers include Jude Dods - Kura Galley Peggy Robinson - Page Gallery Tania Tupu - Te Papa Retail Linda Munn
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