Te Ara Whakarei
Te Ara Whakarei
Te Ara Whakarei

Horomona Horo

Ngāpuhi, Taranaki, Ngāti Porou


Horomona Horo


Ko Hikurangi, ko Putahi ōku maunga

Ko Waiapu, ko Wairoro ōku awa

Ko Horouta, ko Mataatua ōku waka

Ko Porourangi, ko Rahiri ōku rangatira

Ko Ngati Porou, ko Nga Puhi ōku iwi

Ko Uepohatu, ko Te Uri o Hua ōku hapū

Ko Ruataupare, ko Kohewhata ōku marae

Composer, musician, traditional practitioner, cross genre and arts collaborator, Horomona Horo has fused the traditional instruments of the Maori, taonga pūoro, with a range of  cultural, musical, traditional, contemporary and educational forms.  Horo is one of the international Maori faces of Taonga Pūoro.

Horo developed his mastery and skill of not only the performance practice of taonga pūoro, but has continued the vision of the renaissance of the traditional Māori musical instruments by his mentors, Dr Hirini Melbourne, Dr Richard Nunns and Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan, and has extended his knowledge and skills across diverse music and art genres.

His extensive history in performance and collaborative work spans over 25 years, during this time he has worked with a vast array of creative disciplines and genre as well as recently completing artist residencies at Government House NZ & Brandeis University (USA).  A recent recipient of the Pūmanawa APRA Silver Scroll Award, Horomona’s work features alongside NZ & international artists such as Maisey Rika, Dame Gillian Whitehead, Black Arm Band, QSO, Small Island Big Song . Events including multiple WOMAD festivals, The Rainforest Festivals (Borneo), WOMEX, Rugby & Cricket World Cups, Olympic & Commonwealth Games, The Celtic Festival, Jazz & Blues Festival (Australia).    

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari taku toa i te toa takitini”

“My strength is not strength as an individual, but, is the strength of many”

Championing the finest of Māori creativity, past, present and future. Championing the finest of Māori creativity, past, present and future. Championing the finest of Māori creativity, past, present and future. Championing the finest of Māori creativity, past, present and future.